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Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems, Fifth Edition

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About the Book:

In the Fifth Edition of "Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems," the acclaimed author delves deeper into the fascinating world of geospatial technologies. With valuable insights derived from sponsored research projects, this edition unveils two new groundbreaking chapters on the Siting of Wastewater Treatment Plant and Lake Ecosystem, Landslides.

 This meticulously upgraded edition not only caters to students but also acknowledges the essential contributions of reviewers, faculty members, and dedicated research students. The author's gratitude extends to those who supported the earlier editions, culminating in a comprehensive and indispensable resource for students and professionals alike.

 Embark on a journey through the latest advancements in remote sensing and GIS, supported by a wealth of knowledge. "Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems, Fifth Edition" is a must-read for anyone passionate about the ever-evolving landscape of geospatial technology.

About the Author:

M. Anji Reddy Professor of Environmental Science and Technology, at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad. He received his Ph.D. in Remote Sensing from JNTU and M. Tech. from IIT Kanpur. He has more than 36 years of teaching experience in Environmental Geoinformatics, Digital Image Processing, Ecology & Environment and Environmental Impact Assessment. He has published more than 185 research papers in many International and National Journals besides undertaking various National R & D projects sponsored by different Government departments and organizations.

 He visited number of countries around the world and presented lectures at the Universities in USA, Sweden, Japan, UK, Thailand, China, Ireland, Saudi Arabia. He is the technical referee for the Journals, namely – International Journal of Remote Sensing, UK and Remote Sensing Reviews, USA. He has conducted short-term training programs on Remote Sensing and GIS Applications to Environmental Management to various Government officials and faculty of engineering and polytechnic colleges of Andhra Pradesh.

 He is an honorary consultant for quite a few public and private user organizations in the area of Geoinformatics. He has authored “Geoinformatics for Environmental Management, Environmental Impact Assessment: Theory and Practice, Textbook of Digital Image Processing, Climate change: Vulnerability and Adaptation and Textbook of Environmental Science and Technology”. He is Member of Board of Studies of Environment of JNTU, Gulbarga University, Bangalore University and Sri Venkateswara University etc. He is also a life Member of professional bodies like Indian Society of Technical Education, Indian Society of Water Resources, Indian Society of Hydrologists, Indian Society of Remote Sensing and Indian Science Congress. He has got AP Scientist award 2010 and vocational excellence award 2009 for his work in environmental science and technology. He served as Chairman, AP State expert appraisal committee by Govt. of India for a period.