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About the Book:
In the Fifth Edition of "Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems," the acclaimed author delves deeper into the fascinating world of geospatial technologies. With valuable insights derived from sponsored research projects, this edition unveils two new groundbreaking chapters on the Siting of Wastewater Treatment Plant and Lake Ecosystem, Landslides.
This meticulously upgraded edition not only caters to students but also acknowledges the essential contributions of reviewers, faculty members, and dedicated research students. The author's gratitude extends to those who supported the earlier editions, culminating in a comprehensive and indispensable resource for students and professionals alike.
Embark on a journey through the latest advancements in remote sensing and GIS, supported by a wealth of knowledge. "Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems, Fifth Edition" is a must-read for anyone passionate about the ever-evolving landscape of geospatial technology.
1. Map Language
2. Photogrammetry
3. Remote Sensing - Basic Principles
4. Microwave Remote Sensing
5. Remote Sensing Platforms and Sensors
6. Visual Image Interpretation
7. Digital Image Processing
8. Global Positioning System (GPS)
9. Fundamentals of GIS
10. Spatial Data Modelling
11. GIS Data Management
12. Data Input and Editing
13. Data Quality Issues
14. Data Analysis and Modelling
15. Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS
16. Urban and Muncipal Applications
17. Forest Resources Management
18. Watershed Management
19. Natural Disaster Management: Landslides
20. Creation of Information System: A Case Study
21. Siting Selection of Wastewater Treatment Plant
22. Lake Ecosystem