17086927255754Deep Learning A Comprehensive Guide
17086927255754Deep Learning A Comprehensive Guide
17086927255754Deep Learning A Comprehensive Guide
17086927255754Deep Learning A Comprehensive Guide
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Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Guide by Shriram K. Vasudevan, Sini Raj Pulari, Subashri Vasudevan

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Product Description

About the Book:

Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Guide provides comprehensive coverage of Deep Learning (DL) and Machine Learning (ML) concepts. DL and ML are the most sought-after domains, requiring a deep understanding – and this book gives no less than that. This book enables the reader to build innovative and useful applications based on ML and DL. Starting with the basics of neural networks, and continuing through the architecture of various types of CNNs, RNNs, LSTM, and more till the end of the book, each and every topic is given the utmost care and shaped professionally and comprehensively.

Key Features:

Includes the smooth transition from ML concepts to DL concepts

Line-by-line explanations have been provided for all the coding-based examples

Includes a lot of real-time examples and interview questions that will prepare the reader to take up a job in ML/DL right away

Even a person with a non-computer-science background can benefit from this book by following the theory, examples, case studies, and code snippets

Every chapter starts with the objective and ends with a set of quiz questions to test the reader’s understanding

Includes references to the related YouTube videos that provide additional guidance

AI is a domain for everyone. This book is targeted toward everyone irrespective of their field of specialization. Graduates and researchers in deep learning will find this book useful.


1. Introduction to Deep Learning

2. The Tools and Prerequisites

3. Machine Learning: The Fundamentals

4. The Deep Learning Framework

5. CNN– Convolutional Neural Networks – A Complete Understanding

6. CNN Architectures – An Evolution

7. Recurrent Neural Networks

8. Autoencoders

9. Generative Models

10. Transfer Learning

11. Intel OpenVino – A Must Know Deep Learning Toolkit

12. Interview Questions and Answers

About the Authors:

Shriram K. Vasudevan- An academician with a blend of industrial and teaching experience for 15 years. Authored/co-authored 42 books for publishers around the world. Authored more than 120 research papers in inter-national journals and 3O papers for inter-national/national conferences. He is an IETE Fellow, ACM Distinguished Speaker, CSI Distinguished Speaker, and Intel Software lnnovator. He has a YouTube channel- Shriram Vasudevan through which he teaches thousands of people all around the world.

Recognized/awarded for his technical expertise by Datastax, ACM, IETE, Proctor and Gamble Innovation Centre (India), Dinamalar, AWS (Amazon Web Services), Sabre Technologies, IEEE Compute, Syndicate Bank, MHRD, Elsevier, Bounce, IncubatelND, Smart India Hackathon, Stop the Bleed, "Hack Harvard" (Harvard University), Accenture Digital (India), Nippon Electric Company (NEC, Japan),Thought Factory (Axis Bank Innovation Lab), Rakuten (Japan), Titan, Future Group, Institution of Engineers of India (IEI), Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI - Government of India), Intel, Microsoft, Wipro, Infosys, IBM lndia, SoS Ventures (USA), VIT University, Amrita University, Computer Society of India, TBI-TIDE,ICTACT, Times of India, the Nehru Group of institutions, Texas Instruments, IBC Cambridge, Cisco, CII (Confederation of Indian Industries), Indian Air Force, DPSRU Innovation & Incubation Foundation, ELGi Equipments (Coimbatore), and so forth. Listed in many Ieading biographical databases.

Notable honors:

· First Indian to be selected as HDE (Huawei Developer Expert).

· NVIDIA Certified Deep Learning Instructor.

· Winner of the Harvard University "Hack Harvard" Global,2019 and World Hack 2019. Winner of 50-plus hackathons.

· Selected as "Intel IoT Innovator" and inducted into the "Intel Software Innovator" group. Awarded "Top Innovator" award - 2018, "Top Innovator - Innovator Summit 2019".

· World Record Holder - With his sister, Subashri Vasudevan (Only siblings on the globe to have authored nine books together: unique World Record Books).

· Entry in Limca Book of Records for National Record - 2Ol5.

· Entry in India Book of Records - National Record and Appreciation - 2017.

Sini Raj Pulari Professor in a government university in Bahrain, with 14 years of experience in various Indian universities and industry, with contributions to the teaching field and carrying out activities to maintain and develop research and professional activities relevant to Computer Science Engineering. Research interests include areas of Natural Language Processing, recommender systems, Information Retrieval, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning.

She has authored l7-plus scopus Indexed publications; guided over 30 UG and PG students for various innovative product-based and algorithmic ideas; and was an active member of the Funded project - Early warning and Monitoring system of Elephants - Amrita university. Member of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG) and the computer society of India (CSI). Delivered various lectures on the emerging technological topics. Actively participated in the board of studies. Organized, presented, and participated in various national and international technical events, conferences, workshops, and hackathons and has been on the international advisory committees of various international conferences.

Subashri Vasudevan holds an M.Tech in CSE and was associated with Cognizant Technology Solutions for more than eight years. She was a senior developer and has exposure to various DOTNET technologies and reporting tools. She has coauthored more than twenty-five technical books for publishers around the world, including titles on software engineering, C# programming, and so forth. Her name is featured in the Limca Book of Records for the number of books authored by siblings. She has recently developed an interest in the IoT and ML areas and began contributing to projects involving these technologies. Teaching is her passion, and she wants to make technology simpler for the students. She also manages a technical YouTube channel ("All about BI") for Azure-related concepts and has delivered dozens of lectures in various educational institutions.

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