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17086924579455The Smart Grid
17086924579455The Smart Grid
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The Smart Grid Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response By Clark W. Gellings, P.E.

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About the Book:
The power system has often been cited as the greatest and most complex machine ever built, yet it is predominantly a mechanical system. Technologies and intelligent systems are now available that can significantly enhance the overall functionality of power distribution and make it ready to meet the needs of the 21st century. This book explains how sensors, communications technologies, computational ability, control, and feedback mechanisms can be effectively combined to create this new, continually adjusting "smart grid" system. It provides an understanding of both IntelliGridSM architecture and EnergyPortSM as well as how to integrate intelligent systems to achieve the goals of reliability, cost containment, energy efficiency in power production and delivery, and end-use energy efficiency.
1. What Is the Smart Grid ?
2. Electric Energy Efficiency in Power Production and Delivery
3. Electric End-Use Energy Efficiency
4. Using a Smart Grid to Evolve the Perfect Power System
5. DC Distribution and the Smart Grid
6. The IntelliGridsm Architecture for the Smart Grid
7. The Smart Grid- Enabling Demand Response: The Dynamic Energy Systems Concept
8. The EnergyPortSM as Part of the Smart Grid
9. Policies and Programs to Encourage End-Use Energy Efficiency
10. Market Implementation
11. Efficient Electric End-Use Technology Alternatives
12. Demand-Side Planning
13. Demand-Side Evaluation
About the Authors:
Clark W. Gellings is Vice President of Technology at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) & is responsible for technology strategy in areas concerning energy efficiency, demand response, renewable energy resources, and other clean technologies. Gellings joined EPRI in 1982 progressing through a series of technical management & executive positions including five previous vice president positions. He was also chief executive officer of several EPRI’s subsidiaries. Prior to joining EPRI, he sent 14 years with Public Service Electric & Gas Company.
     Gellings received distinguished awards from a number of organizations, including The llluminating Engineering Society, the Association of Energy Services Professionals, and the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers. He is currently a member of the Board of the University of Minnesota’s Center for the Development of Technology Leadership & the National Academy of Sciences Committee studing the robustness & resilience of the power delivery system.
      Gellings has a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from Newark College of Engineering in New Jersey, a Master of Science degree in mechanical engineering from New Jersey Institute of Technology, & a Master of Management Science from the Wesley J. Howe School of Technology Management at Stevens Institute of Technology. He is a registered Professional Engineer, a fellow in the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, a Fellow in the llluminating Engineering Society, & a Distinguished member & President of the U.S. National Committee of CIGRE.